Tuesday 6 December 2011

novel omputeh

assalamualaikum semua...
enth knp rjn plok sy tlis blog nie. ari nie sy nk story tntg novel org puteh.
sy nk buat pengakuan brani mati nie, sy nie x prnh pn bce nvl english nie tp hari 2 sy abiskn bce nvl 2. (create record kot)
novel 2 tajuk 'the undosmestic goddness' writen by Sophie Kinsella.

sy thu penulis nie pn bile adik sy bwk blik nvl yg penulis yg same. adik sy kate best.
mase raye aji ari 2, sy g Eastcost mall kat kuantan dgn kwn bek sy n sy jupe buku 2. n trus beli. hargenye rm 32.90. not bad 4 english novelkn...

critenye tentang Samantha Sweeting, a lawyer but not a normal lawyer but very successful lawyer. seorg yg messy tp x pernah buat mistake in her life especially in her lovely job. she fall in love once but break up not longer after that. but something appear in her life. she do a simple  mistake that never she or other lawyer do that. her mistake make her company lost  50 million euro.
she make the quick decision to run away from her normal life, her company and her family. she take a train with unknown direction.
finally she arrived to a huge, really huge house and applied as a housekeeper. it become a big problems when she notice that she dont know how to cooking, clean and tidy the house and room, ironing the dress and shirt and wash all the dirty cloth. hehehehehehe.
the question is can she survive as a housekeeper? can she forget her actual job? its true the mistake is belong to her???
                                                                    nielh novel dia.hehehehe

hehehehe....try ah bce crite nie. sy suke crite nie. sy bg 4 bintang. k ah, sy nk tgk running man nw. tata.

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